
Country Title Period Donor Agency Lead Partner
Albania Strengthening Local Government Public Finance Management in Albania - Phase 2 2024-2028 Swiss Government / SECO GFA Consulting Group
Albania Municipalities for Europe (Phase II) 2023 - 2024 EU Europartners Development Consulting
Albania Revision of Legal Gap Assessments (LGAs) and Support to Preparing Negotiating Positions for Internal Market Cluster and Chapter 20 of the Acquis (Phase 2) 2023 - 2024 GIZ Albania Humelica Consulting International
Albania Support Preparation of the Action Plan For Compliance With Articles 34-36 Of TFEU (Chapter 1 Free Movement of Goods) 2024-2025 GIZ Albania IBF International Consulting
Albania Equity and Transparency in School Infrastructure Interventions 2024-2024 USAID UNICEF
Albania Capacity Mapping Assessment of institutions involved in Inter-institutional Working Groups for EU integration in Albania – CMAF 2024 - 2024 GIZ Albania
Albania Support preparations for Bilateral Screening in the Accession Negotiations of Albania with EU in Internal Market Cluster and Chapter 20 “ Enterprise and Idustrial Policy” 2022 - 2024 GIZ Albania Humelica Consulting International
Albania Strengthening Local Government Public Finance Management in Albania - Phase 1 2018-2023 Swiss Government / SECO GFA Consulting Group
Albania Strengthening the capacity of Albanian institutions for participation in EU Union Programmes 2019-2022 EU ICE (Belgium)
Albania Digital Jobs Albania 2021-2022 World Bank Learnio (Denmark)
Albania Support to UNICEF on Decentralization landscape in Albania – how administrative and fiscal decentralization affect child-related policies 2021 - 2022 UNICEF EuroPartners Development
Albania Municipalities for Europe (Phase I) 2017-2020 EU EPRD Poland
Albania Strengthen the capacities of select LGUs in implementing the Social Pact and deliver social services to vulnerable children and families 2018 - 2019 UNICEF EuroPartners Development
Albania Enhance the civil society involvement on drafting the Medium Term Budget Program and the Annual Budget 2019 2017 - 2018 OSFA EuroPartners Development
Kosovo Capacity development in the field of policy development and coordination 2016-2020 SIDA PAI (UK)
Albania Albanian Youth for EU Integration 2019-2020 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Technical Assistance in carrying out effective market surveillance in line with the EU Acquis 2018-2020 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania Communication Campaign of Friendly Wi-Fi Albania 2019-2020 UNICEF EuroPartners Development
Albania Supporting Development of Local Action Groups (LAGs) in Rural Areas in Albania (LEADER Approach) 2017-2020 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania/ Macedonia Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8) 2018-2020 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania TA to support the development of an exit strategy for Social Assistance beneficiaries 2019 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania Organization of the ‘Run against Corruption’ in the framework of the ‘Week of Integrity’ 2019-2020 European Union AECOM, Netherlands
Albania TA for Implementation of the Communications Campaign activities for Social Assistance reforms 2018 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Macedonia Preparation of terms of reference and technical specifications in the areas of Public Administration Reform and Public Finance 2018 EU IBFConsulting International
Kosovo Support for Strategic Planning Office / Office of Prime Minister 2017-2018 EU ICE (Belgium)
Albania Public Administration Reform 'Support to Improve Citizen-Centric Public Service Delivery in Albania' 2017-2019 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania Delegation of functions for implementation "Function of protection from fire and rescue" 2017-2018 Swiss Government EuroPartners Development
Kosovo Support for Strategic Planning Office on Economic Reform Program and National Development Strategy 2016-2017 EU IBF Consulting International
Albania Assisting Mat, Dibër, Shkodër and Malësi e Madhe municipalities for preparing CBC Projects 2016 Swiss Government EuroPartners Development
Albania Define the costs of non-investment in education in Albania 2016-2017 UNICEF EuroPartners Development
Albania Technical Assistance for Union Programmes in Albania 2016-2018 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania ProINVEST Albania 2015-2017 GIZ GFA Consulting Group
Albania Support to Municipality of Kukes for preparation of 2030 Territorial Development Strategy 2015-2016 Swiss Coop EuroPartners Development
Albania Study on Implementation of Shared Functions in the Local Government Level 2015 OSCE EuroPartners Development
Albania Finalization of the Crosscutting Decentralization and Local Governance Strategy 2015-2020 2015 USAID EuroPartners Development
Albania / Kosovo Support to Promotion of "Green Business" 2014-2016 EU EuroPartners
Albania Development of the Functional Area Programme for Kukes Municipality and 14 communes 2014-2015 Swiss Cooperation EuroPartners Development
Albania Design and Implementation of Process Evaluation for Pilot Phase for NE reforms 2014-2015 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania Preparation of National Strategy for Development and Integration 2014-2020 2014 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania Overall Assessment of the Anti-corruption Framework in Albania (ACFA) 2014-2015 EU Humelica Consulting International
Tanzania Capacity Building of Culture Programme Grantees in ROM and PFM 2014-2015 EU Humelica Consulting International
Kosovo Support to Kosovo's Policy And Strategic Planning 2014-2016 EU CPM Consulting Group
Macedonia Blue & Green vs Black & Grey 2014-2016 EU LDA Macedonia
Western Balkans Third Interim Evaluation of IPA Assistance 2014-2015 DG ELARG, EC Humelica Consulting International
Western Balkans Sustainable Competiveness and Technological Capacity of SMEs - ADRIATinn 2013-2016 EU Ionian University
Albania Self-Evaluation Albania of CARDS/IPA projects 2013 2013 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania "Our Right to Ask .....Our Right to Know" 2013-2015 Embassy of the Netherlands EuroPartners Development
Albania Twinning 2013 EU Association of Municipalities
Albania Reporting on Internal Market and European Standards issues related to Acquis Chapters 2013-2014 EU EPRD Poland
Albania Support for Implementation of the Plan of Measures related to non-discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 2013 Swedish Government COWI Denmark
Albania/ Kosovo Outlining Sida Support to Public Administration in Albania and Kosovo 2014-2020 2013 Sida PAI (London)
Western Balkan Thematic evaluation of EU's support to civil society in the Western Balkans (AL, BiH, CRO, FYROM, KOS, MON, SRB) and Turkey 2013 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania Support to Government for preparation of strategic document for new IPA financial assistance (IPA II) 2013 EU PPF Project
Albania Enhancing transparency and information on Local Government services delivery in Vlora and Kukes 2012-2013 OSFA Foundation EuroPartners Development
Albania Fostering Cooperation and mobilization composing economic clusters 2012-2013 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Establishment of Local Action Groups and Albanian National Rural Organizations Network 2011-2013 SNV - Albania EuroPartners Development
Albania Civil society consultation and preparation of draft Guidelines for Applicants for next EIDHR 2011 EU EuroPartners Development
Serbia Preparation of ToR for the IPA "Reforming Policy Coordination and the Centre of the Government" 2011-2012 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania Mapping of Participatory Monitoring in Albanian and Kosovo 2011 Olaf Palme Center EuroPartners Development
Kosovo Evaluation of Peer Assistance in Kosovo 2011 EU EPRD Poland
Albania Policy Advice for Mid-Term Evaluation of NSDI and Preparations for the Strategy 2013-2020 2011 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Public Awareness Campaign for the Metrology, Standards, Testing and Quality (MSTQ) System 2011 World Bank EuroPartners Development
DFID Support to Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Kosovo 2011-2012 DFID EuroPartners Development
Albania Support to the Ministry of Environment in elaboration of an Operational Plan for the Environment Sector 2011 SIDA SIPU International
Albania Strengthening of Human Resource Managment Capacities of Local Government Units 2010-2012 Government of the Netherlands EuroPartners Development
Albania Enhancing transparency and information on Local Government services delivery in Puka and Lushnja 2010-2011 OSFA Foundation EuroPartners Development
Albania Consultancy on Implementation of Access to Information Reforms in Albania 2010-2011 World Bank
Albania Preparation of the Albanian Authorities for the EU's Decentralised Implementation System (DIS) 2010-2013 EU East West Consulting
Albania Strengthening Capacities of Albanian public administration and training support 2010 World Bank SIPU International
Western Balkans Cost-benefit analysis of Twinning versus Technical Assistance (Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia) 2010 EU ECORYS (The Netherlands)
Albania Policy Advice for NSDI Monitoring and Implementation 2010 World Bank PROGECO Italy
Western Balkan, Turkey Evaluation of EU's Support to Civil Society in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Turkey) 2010-2011 EU Humelica Consulting International
Albania Enhansing stakeholders capacities for participation in the EU regional cooperation programs 2009-2010 Spanish Agency for Cooperation EuroPartners Development
Albania Capacity Building Support to Implement the Integrated Planning System 2009-2010 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania Freedom of Information Framework in Albania 2009-2011 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Western Balkan, Turkey TACSO Project - Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations 2009-2013 EU SIPU International (Sweden)
Albania Support to Strengthening the Judicial System in Albania 2008-2010 Spanish Agency for Cooperation EuroPartners Development
Albania Increase the Capacities of NGOs towards future Sustainability 2008-2010 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Encouraging further Transparency, Public Access to Information at Local Level EU EuroPartners Development
Kosovo Support to Cross Border Cooperation Programme for Kosovo 2008-2012 EU EWC (Belgium)
Albania Support to the Ministry of Economy Phase 2 2008-2010 World Bank EuroPartners Development
Albania Support to Public Administration Reform processes EU ADA
Support to Public Expenditure Management Phase III 2006-2010 DFID / World Bank REPIM (UK)
Albania Strengthening Capacities of Central Financing & Contracting Unit for implementation of EU funds EU EWC (Belgium)
Albania Support for the Government of Albania's participation in Union Programmes EU Humelica
Albania Assessment of the Development Cooperation Strategy for Albania 2007 Sida COWI (Denmark)
Kosovo Support to Regional Development in Kosovo 2008 EU ACE Consulting (Spain)
Albania IT and COMMS technical study for the Law Enforcement Sector 2009 EU Soges SpA
Kosovo Support to Public Finance Management reform Action Plan 2010 DFID Kosovo EuroPartners Development
Albania Modernization of the Civil Registration and Address systems 2006-2007 ODHIR EuroPartners Development
Albania YES!+ Youth Empowerment and Skills Workshop 2008 IAHV/EPD EuroPartners Development
Albania Preparation of Tourism Development Plans in Kryevidh 2008-2009 ADF EuroPartners Development
Increase Capacities of Local Actors in the regions of Dibra and Kukes to benefit from EU funded Programs 2008-2009 OSFA Foundation EuroPartners Development
Kosovo Support for institutional building reforms in Kosovo 2004-2006 DFID PAI (UK)
Kosovo Fiscal Impact Assessment of draft legislation on the Civil Service-Kosovo 2008 DFID
Albania Legal Advice to the Albanian National Agency for Information Society NAIS 2008 World Bank EWC (Belgium)
Albania, Serbia Evaluation of Sida’s support to the SEPA 2009 Sida SIPU International
Albania Strengthening the Management and Effectiveness of Public Investments in Albania 2007 WB
Albania Evaluation of CARDS assistance to Albania 2001-2006 2008 EU COWI (Denmark)
Kosovo TA to draft the ToRs for IPA 2009 TA Project "Support to Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare" 2009 EU EuroPartners Development
Albania Management and Coordination of External Assistance for the Government of Albania 2007 UNDP
Albania Support to improve the legal framework or ICT in Albania 2008 EU EWC (Belgium)
Albania Jordan Government 2009 EU EuroPartners Development